Relay For Life

My little Rockstar and I 
Although the spring semester is winding down and ADPis are beginning to plan for summer break, we haven’t lost sight of all the fun philanthropic events that are planned for the semester. One that we look forward to the most during the month of March is Relay For Life. On March 22, 2014, a team of Alpha Delta Pis worked together to support a cause that hits home for everyone — the American Cancer Society. Sisters raised more than $2,897 through online donations and fundraising. During the event, ADPi was recognized with the Rising Star Award. Aly Tata, a member of AC '11 and junior studying health sciences, found time in her busy schedule to chair this rewarding event. And now, a post from our very first guest blogger, Aly Tata, who spoke about her experiences coordinating and spearheading a team of sisters for Relay For Life:

“Special shout out to everyone who participated in last weekend’s Relay For Life at the University of Central Florida. I was given the opportunity to chair the event for Alpha Delta Pi. The event raises funds and awareness for the American Cancer Society, a cause close to my heart.  Four years ago, my cousin Lauren was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the young age of 8. Doctors teamed together to operate, and they were successful in removing about 60 percent of the tumor. After that, Lauren began chemotherapy … and her fight against cancer. Lauren was quickly given the well-deserved nickname of ‘The Rockstar.’

At the same time, my grandfather was battling stomach cancer, and although in separate stages, Lauren and my grandpa compared chemo stories and actually managed to joke about their situations. We unfortunately lost my grandfather to the disease in 2010, after multiple years of fighting.  Cancer is a disease that does not know discrimination. It hits every race, gender and age without showing bias. If not personally affected, everyone knows someone with a cancer story. That’s why finding a cure is so important. 

What the Alpha Delta Pi team did at Relay For Life was show our dedication toward the fight for a cure. It was such a beautiful site to see groups of college students rally together to stand up to something much bigger than ourselves. Staying through the night shows strength, endurance and commitment. Not to mention the $53,000 raised by the event! 

Lauren was honored to come to Relay For Life and represent ADPi as a survivor. She was welcomed with open arms from all of my sisters. Seeing my sorority sisters interact with my family meant more than you could imagine. Lauren had the time of her life at the event and felt like the rockstar that she is.

My favorite part of the night was watching my sisters work together to support one another emotionally. As I said before, cancer has and will hit everyone during their lifetime, and my sisters are no exception. The support we show one another will complete the bond of our friendship that will last forever — truly demonstrated in the emotional memorial walk at Relay. I hope to never lose that commitment with my sisters and best friends. 

 My little Rockstar is now 11 years old and continues to fight the fight. She is doing amazing, thanks to the selfless efforts of the sisters that cared to make a difference at Relay For Life. Together with the American Cancer Society, we are aiming for a day with less cancer and more birthdays!!!!” — Aly


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