Welcome Home AC'14!

After weeks of excited anticipation, Alpha Delta Pi at last had the pleasure of welcoming home an amazing new Alpha Class!

Bid Day 2014 was one for the books.  4207 Greek Park Drive transformed into a bohemian escape to celebrate the new Alpha Class and the end of another successful recruitment week.  Following the sprint home for the new Alphas and greatly missed Rho Gammas, ADPi sisters celebrated at the chapter house. The party continued at Taverna Opa at Pointe Orlando, a Mediterranean restaurant in the heart of International Drive. In true Bid Day style, we enjoyed letting our hair down and having some fun with the members of our newest Alpha Class.

The past few weeks with our Alpha members have been eventful, inspiring and tons of fun. In this short time, they have run for and received leadership positions, learned about our sisterhood, and been embraced with open arms by older sisters who will from now on mentor them in the ways of our sorority — their Diamond Sisters. Diamond Sister reveal was a highly anticipated event for all Delta members, and a memorable experience for the Alphas. In front of the beautiful UCF Reflection Pond, our new members were introduced to their Diamond Sisters.

But no, it doesn’t stop there. After Diamond Sister reveal, we were off to the happiest place on Earth — sisterhood retreat at Disney’s Magic Kingdom.  We spent the day creating memories with all of our sisters, Alphas and Deltas! What a treat it is to get to know our extraordinary Alpha Class and create lasting memories in such a short period of time. If the last three weeks are any indication of what this new semester will bring, we’re so excited for the new memories to come with our newest Alpha Class!


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