Not Your Average Girl

As sisters of Alpha Delta Pi, we take great pride in the diverse interests and talents that make us the interesting and fun-loving women that we are. We love being such a unique chapter with so many different backgrounds and hobbies, and appreciate the support and encouragement we find in our sisterhood. Here’s just a glimpse into the unique accomplishments and interests of a few of our sisters!

Sister Nikki Mckenna has participated in body building competitions since 2012, and has won first place in two of the three competitions she has participated in! When she is sad, angry, frustrated, or just craving a good workout, she always knows to find her “good friends” — the dumbbells and the kettle bells at the gym! “To me it’s never about competing against other girls to be better than them, but rather to be better than who I was before, mentally and physically.” This year, she is taking some time off to focus on her nursing degree, but she intends on coming back full force to earn her pro card. We’re all rooting for you, Nikki!

Amanda Harrington was part of a rescue flight mission to Alabama to save dogs that had days left to live before they were put down. She helped remove dogs from shelters in that area and brought them down to Florida where they could get adopted into loving homes. Amanda says, “This was a rewarding way to volunteer and truly feel like you are making a difference by saving innocent lives. I have always had a love for animals and it is very rewarding to know that I was a component in giving these animals a better life with a forever home.”  

Olivia Granja had the opportunity to throw what she knows all the way in Brazil, when she visited her family for the World Cup! She loves Brazil and had a wonderful time getting caught up in the action of the games. But we were so glad when she came back to us in the States to tell us all about it!

Big and Little Diamond sister pair Jordan Taracks and Ashley Thurman share a passion that takes them offshore and under the sea!  “Whether it’s trolling offshore, spearing in the Keys, or fishing the flat, nothing beats the thrill of reeling in that fish. Fishing had always been a pastime, whether it be bass fishing on the lake back at home or casting off into the intracoastal. After joining the UCF Reel Knights fishing club, our occasional past time soon became a passion. The UCF Reel Knights has given countless sisters opportunities to meet and make connections with other fellow anglers and learn new techniques. Over the summer, we had the chance to get out on the water more, and Ashley reeled in her first dolphin! The club includes monthly meetings, tailgates, UCF-wide fishing tournaments, club kayaks, fishing workshops, gear from sponsors, club rods and reels, the chance to make connections and take fishing trips together, and the ability to learn even more techniques and skills. The club consists of members with all experience levels! Since joining the club, our experience has grown and opportunities have became endless.”Bring us back something yummy, ladies!

Sister Vanessa Marozzi combined two of her passions, dance and teaching. After falling in love with dance and taking various modern, ballet, and hip-hop classes for 16 years, Vanessa decided to take what she loves and share it with girls who are as young as she was when she began pursuing her passion. She teaches the adorable little ones once a week at a local dance studio and absolutely loves being able to exercise her passion.

With an “oink oink” here and a “moo moo” there! Sister Marissa Williams is a true animal lover — she lives on a farm with horses, pigs, goats, sheep, geese and various other critters! Loving every opportunity to show off the less-human side of her family, Marissa loves sharing with her Zeta Omega sisters the latest news at the farm!

Sister Danielle Wasserman enjoyed a summer in the bustling and beautiful city of New York for her public relations internship at Ralph Lauren! When she wasn’t busy networking, sightseeing, and falling in love with the city, she made sure to keep all her envious sisters updated back home in Orlando. We couldn’t be more excited to see her flourish in her field. We know you will do great things to revolutionize the public relations industry, Danielle!

Nichole Santana is a sophomore pursuing an advertising-public relations degree with a Spanish minor. This summer she spent two weeks abroad in Nerja, Spain, studying conversational Spanish and Spanish culture with local professors. While there, Nichole spent time kayaking in the Mediterranean, befriending locals and salsa dancing. “It was one of the best experiences of my life! I absolutely fell in love with Spain and cannot wait to go back. I’m obsessed with the culture, the food, and the men — Spain truly has it all!”


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