What'd you do this winter break?

College breaks are a beautiful thing. Gone are the days of two-week breaks littered with reading assignments and studying for January midterms. The end of a semester means the end of class, the end of homework, the end of tests and the beginning of a month-long respite with endless potential for adventure. 

It also means the end of socials, the end of meal plan, and the end of chapter (until January). As many of us returned home for winter break we exchanged our college friends and sorority sisters for siblings, cousins and old time friends. At Zeta Omega, we're lucky to share a sisterhood that brings us even closer despite the distance.

As we set out together some sisters opted for sunshine, others for snow. Some for glorious mountain ranges and others for bustling cityscapes.

On a shopping and sight-seeing expedition, sisters Becca, Lauren, Kristi, Kia and Lexi travelled together to New York City.

Winter is also a time for sunshine, as sisters Noelle and Kayla set off on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico.

Sister Elle and Emily, Zeta Omega alum, got the best of both worlds as they travelled with Elle's mom (an ADPi USF alum) to both St. Maarten Beach and Manhattan!

Sisters Michelle and Bella headed for the mountains and ended up in Breckenridge, Colorado. Aside from a week of skiing, snowmobiling, sledding and shopping, they got to visit the infamous crepe cart in downtown Breckenridge.

Sister Noelle got a dose of chilly weather and mountains as she travelled to San Francisco to explore a new city.

From skiing and snow angels, to Swarovski Crystals and Sound of Music, sister Kyndle spent the break touring Austria with her mom.

Just after New Years, sisters Danielle and Tori embarked on the journey of a lifetime. They left for Valencia, Spain where they’ll be studying abroad this semester. Although they’re missed, we’re all a little jealous and happy to live vicariously through them. Can’t wait to be reunited.

Whether our winter adventures included old friends and family or new sorority sisters, we set off together to make the most of the month. We exchanged secret santa gifts, we rang in the New Year together, we traveled across the globe, and now here we are, diving back into the spring semester head on.


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